Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Beginning

I've tried many, many times to start a blog. I usually make one or two posts then abandon it for months because I lost inspiration and ran out of ideas or topics for posts. It's surprisingly hard for me to stick to a single theme, especially when there are so many good blogs out there. But I think I've finally found a theme that's now a huge part of my life and broad enough to keep me posting... my transition to a healthy body and lifestyle after joining Weight Watchers.

Similar to my efforts at blogging, I tried many times to lose weight on my own. I just couldn't do it... I didn't have the willpower to resist the sugary goodness of cakes, cookies, brownies, and doughnuts that surround me at home, at work, at restaurants, and at the grocery store. And trying to record my calories in a food journal typically lasted about a week. Finally last September I took a week off from work and got some time to think about my life and how much I wanted it to change. It was the inspiration and motivation I needed to kick start my weight loss and I joined Weight Watchers at work the week after I returned. So here I am several months later and 25 lbs. lighter with a new outlook on my life and looking forward to reaching my goal (which I fully intend to be this year!).

So what kind of things will I be posting? Anything and everything related to a healthy lifestyle or Weight Watchers...
  • I will definitely include my newest obsession... saving money. I am totally that person who goes to the grocery store with a huge stack of coupons, or waits for good deals on things I want on the internet. It's a challenge and a thrill... some people do sudoku or crossword puzzles, but searching for bargains is my game. I'll try to keep it related to healthy stuff since there are so many good blogs for money savers already.
  • Healthy recipes that actually taste good. Can't get enough of those!
  • Fun ways to exercise and get some activity points
  • Ideas for rewards after working so hard to shed those next 5 lbs
  • Whatever else comes to mind that's worth sharing!
Stay tuned for what will hopefully be my very first successful blog!!

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